Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Summer skin care tips

As the seasons shift and the sun is out for a much longer time, there are different precautions we have to take. Here are the tips you can follow to keep that skin glowing and bump free!
Sunscreen, sunscreen, and more sunscreen!
A lot of us have these annoying flaws called “acne scars”. Acne scars are the darker marks pimples and zits leave behind. Acne scars are probably way more annoying than having a pimple itself. Help treat this by not only using fade and even tone creams, but also incorporate skin care products into your daily routine that contain sunscreen. The sun is out longer and the rays are stronger, so you want to be using something that can prevent those scars from getting darker.
Deep Cleansing Astringent
The summer means sweat. It also means oily skin, clogged pores, and even dirtier skin. Make sure to banish as much bacteria as possible with some deep cleansing astringent. Since this product  is so strong and contains more alcohol content, this should only be used a couple of times a week.
Oil Free moisturizer 
With clogged pores and sweaty days bring a little more oil to your skin than you may be used to. It’s important that in this season, you read labels on those skin care products that you’re buying. This season, look for more water based moisturizers than those that have a lot of oil content in them. This will diminish less oil and leave your skin still feeling moisturized without oil.
Clay mask once a week 
Once a week, relax your skin by applying a clay mask. This will aid in absorbing oils and dirt leaving your skin feeling breathless. Your pores will feel so clear after a week of summer weather!

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